The Innovation in Technology has started its way towards the Mechanical world, where we can find more Robots than Human. Probably one day the Robots will takeover the world from Humans, who will then be slaves.

Atul Rai, who founded his passion in AI, did an extensive research during his Graduation and completed Master's in University of Manchester which is famous for AI Testing. 

“Videos are just catching on, especially in India with our slower data connections, but back then in 2010, it was abundantly clear that people preferred looking at images and searching for them in order to make lifestyle-related decisions and people were not really providing a comprehensive package that would collate all this data and research that existed and use it to build out their business,” says Atul.

During his research he met the co-founders Chetan Rexwal, Pankaj Kumar Sharma and Anurag Saini in 2015, who are expert coders and experienced in Mobile Apps Development.

Staqu was formally launched in 2015 with a suite of AI-powered operations including bi-directional image understanding, an innovative image-to-image matching system, simplifying image search, automated meta-tag generation and real-time product recommendations.

According to Atul, Staqu works on two levels, B2B and B2C2B. On B2B front it works E-commerce companies. B2B helps to search the product effectively in E-commerce sites, with the help of Image Search Mechanism. Where you can upload the picture of product you are searching for, which retrieves the most relevant results.

Staqu products solves another problem of the E-commerce sites namely, meta-keyword tagging. and other product for OEM also launched by Staqu, managed to get ten partners within six months of launching.

Staqu's next level of innovation comes in the form of Fashin.in (Download from this link), which is an iOS app launched in October 2016. 

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