This smartphone is the new milestone about to be achieved by Google in MOBILE MARKET. The smartphone is named with MODULAR smartphone developing by Google Project ARA team. The MODULAR smartphones will create
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a new trend in the MOBILE history. The MODULAR smartphones are designed for 6 billion people. Presently there are 1billion smartphone users in the world, and expected this number to reach 6 billion users after MODULAR smartphones release.

      The idea behind this MODULAR smartphone is that “Instead of searching for specifications, you can create your own specifications for your mobile”. This shows how smart the smartphone will be..?



Project ARA was developed and was led by the PAUL EREMENKO. The project falls under REGIN DUGAN, who runs a Google advanced technology and project. Both EREMENKO and DUGAN worked previously at DARPA (Defense advanced research project agency). The core project ARA team consists of three people with most of its work done by the outside contractors. Google ATAP requires their employees to sign for 2year bond. After the completion of 2years the EREMENKO was resigned for the project ARA. Presently, the RAFA CAMARGO is project manager for managing the projectARA.

MDK v0.2
      The Module Developers Kit (MDK) defines the Ara platform for module developers and provides reference implementations for various design features. The Ara platform consists of an on-device packet-switched data network based on the MIPI UniPro protocol stack, a flexible power bus, and an elegant industrial design that mechanically unites the modules with an endoskeleton. Throughout 2015, the Project Ara team worked on a series of alpha and beta MDK releases.

ProjectAra team created Spiral 2 developer hardware based on MDK v0.2 to enable prototyping and development of modules for the Ara platform. Spiral 2 developer hardware consists of:
1. A board that incorporates the UNIPRO Switch in the Ara endoskeleton and multiple modules interfaces with UNIPRO Bridge ASICs supporting multiple bridged and tunneled protocols;
2. An Application Processor (AP) board with a modified and latest version of Android (which is ANDRIOD M);
3. Connectors and cables.
The team members are also in the process of developing APIs that will let developers and artists (and developer-artists) create novel ways for users to customize their devices. The Phone Maker API will allow digital artists to create aesthetic customization experiences for shells, and the Phone Maker API will allow developers to help users create functionally customized devices with just a few clicks.
      The MODULAR PHONE will release in this year, which remains unbeatable in MOBILE MARKET history. Following video will explains about this PROJECT ARA MODULAR SMARTPHONE

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