Periscope is one of the upcoming social network which was developed by KAVYON BEYKPOUR and JOE BERNSTEIN. The idea behind the PERISCOPE is that, when they were travelling to abroad in 2013. BEYKPOUR was in Istanbul when protests broke out in Takism Square. He wanted to see what was happening there, then he turned to view twitter, he could read about the protests but he can't see them. 

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      A few months ago, Kayvon Beykpour met a fellow Stanford University graduate, Jessica Verrilli, for coffee. Verrilli is the Director of Corporate Development and Strategy for TWITTER. She asked Beykpour had been working on since leaving blackboard, an education company  that had prior startup ,Terribly clever. Beykpour fired his Iphone and showed her the PERISCOPE. He said to her that this was the mobile teleportation service.

      The Periscope is an application that was launched on March 16th of 2015 and later on after 10 days this application was available for ANDRIOD users. The use of this application is stream the live videos that was happening in the real world. YOUTUBE is the passive experience for the users but PERISCOPE is the Active to the users for viewing the live streaming videos that was happening in the real world. Knowing the information and any news in the world can be viewed in the live streaming videos. Comments and live communication with users of periscope who are viewing the same live streaming video and make a discussion of that video.

      The aim of Kayvon Beykpour and his co-founder Joe Berstein is that , the periscope should spread over to all parts in  the world . They used the top most social network TWITTER” and where the Verrilli was the impressed by Beyakpour and she introduces the CEO of TWITTER “DICK COSTOLO” and co-founder of TWITTER “JACK DORSEY”.

      Some of Periscope's best features are hearts and notifications. Hearts can be sent from viewers to broadcasters as a show of appreciation for what's being streamed, like a virtual round of applause.

When you open the app, you'll see three icons at the bottom: a TV, a camera, and a group of people. The group of people takes you to a screen where you can see other Periscopers and choose to follow them. If you click on the camera icon, you'll be able to start a broadcast. Just type in what you're seeing to name the broadcast . Then you can either hit the lock button and invite select friends to watch or share the link to your Twitter followers who can tune in on their desktops. You can also broadcast to everyone on Periscope. That's pretty much it. There are a few extra bells and whistles, but the experience is easy to grasp. The hardest thing about Periscope is figuring out what to say and stream.
      In Future, PERISCOPE helps the TWITTER to be a top most popular social network in the world and also the increases the number of users .


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